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Boy Carrying Goat

Welcome to the world of Artists & Activists Records for Animal Rights, a record label for artists and bands who use their creativity, passion, and voices to advocate for the liberation of all sentient beings. As artists and songwriters, we share a common goal: to raise awareness about the plight of animals in factory farms and to promote a more compassionate world

Cow and Calf


At Artists & Activists Records, we amplify the power of music to ignite awareness about factory farming and foster compassion for all sentient beings. With creativity and conviction, we challenge societal norms and inspire a profound shift in how animals are perceived.

Our mission is to create music that resonates deeply, planting seeds of change and building a future where humanity, animals, and the planet coexist in harmony.



Sylvie Abate, the driving visionary behind Artists & Activists for Animal Rights, has combined her passions into a tapestry of transformation. A songwriter and musician, Sylvie underwent a profound awakening to the plight of animals confined within factory farm walls.


Acknowledging the significant role that music has played in historical social justice movements, Sylvie aspires to extend this influential tool of activism to the realm of animal rights. Her mission is to support artists, musicians, and songwriters dedicated to advocating for animals.  

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